Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Moving this blog to fasteningcode.com

I was using BlogSpot when I start blogging for fasteningCode. I am moving the blog to fasteningcode.com

Monday, July 18, 2016

#30DaysofTesting Day19 - Find & use a new Tool


Today we had an exciting challenge on #30DaysofTesting - Find and Use a new tool. 
So the tool that I am using is jMeter !!!. Will give a try to understand what this tool is all about. 

What is jMeter - Open Source Testing Software. 

What's the use of jMeter - To Perform categories of tests like load, functional, performance, regression, etc
  • Performance Test − This test sets the best possible performance expectation under a given configuration of infrastructure. It also highlights early in the testing process if any changes need to be made before the application goes into production.
  • Load Test − This test is basically used for testing the system under the top load it was designed to operate under.
  • Stress Test − This test is an attempt to break the system by overwhelming its resources.

I had the followed the instruction from TutorialsPoint to install the Java SDK. TutorialsPoint

Below pic shows my first experiment using jMeter on WorkForms. 

Am impressed!!!.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

#30DaysofTesting Day18 - Find a broken link and report it


Today I got an interesting challenge.

The task is to find a broken link and report it.

So am testing the website http://www.ministryoftesting.com/

There are many broken link in this site;

To find the broken links, I had used this site. http://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/

The results are as follows.

To see link's location in the sourceHTML click on src below
Broken link (you can scroll this field left-right)
Page where found
Server response
1>>url src404
2url srcbad host
3url srcbad host
4url srcbad host
5url srcbad host
6>>url src404
7>>url src404
8>>url src404
9url srcbad host
10url srcbad host
11url srcbad host
12url srcbad host
13url srcbad host
14>>url src404
15url srcbad host
16>>url src404
17>>url src404
18url src404
19url src404
20>>url src404
21>>url src404
22>>url srcbad url
23>>url src404
24url srcbad host
25>>url src404
26url src404
27url src404
28>>url src404
29>>url src404
30>>url src404
31>>url src404
32>>url srcbad host
33>>url src404
34>>url src404
35url srcbad host
36>>url src404
37url srcbad host
38url srcbad host
39url srcbad host
40url src404
41url src404
42url srcbad host
43>>url src404
44>>url src404
45url src404
46>>url srcbad host
47url src404
48url src404
49url src404
50url srcbad host
51>>url src404
52>>url src404
53url srcbad host
54>>url src404
55>>url src404
56>>url src404
57>>url srcbad host
58>>url srcbad host
59url srcbad host
60url srcbad host
61url srcbad host
62url srcbad host
63>>url src404
64>>url srcbad host
65url src404
66>>url src404
67url srcbad url
68url srcbad host
69>>url src404
70url src404
71url srcbad host
72url src404
73>>url srcbad host
74>>url srcbad host
75>>url src404
76>>url src404
77>>url src404
78url src404
79url src404
80>>url src404
81>>url src404
82url src404
83url src404
84url srcbad host
85url src404
86url src404
87>>url src404
88>>url src404
89url src404
90url src404
91>>url src404
92url src500
93>>url src404
94>>url srcbad host
95url srcbad host
96url srcbad host
97url src404
98url src404
99url src500
100>>url src404
101url src404
102url srcbad host
103url src404
104url src404
105>>url src404
106url src404
107url src404
108url src404
109url srcbad host
110url srcbad host
111url src404
112>>url src404
113url src404
114url src404
115url srcbad host
116>>url src404